Children and young people with psychophysical development disorders

Realization of Rights through Communication  

The team of the Charity Public Association “World Without Borders” begins the implementation ofther project “Realization of Rights through Communication”.  This project continues the theme of deinstitutionalization as a process consisting of a set of measures that contribute to the successful integration of children with disabilities from the house-boarding institutions into their own or substitute families. The development and wide dissemination of alternative communication methods and means will contribute to the realization and ensuring the rights of children with disabilities, residents of the institution , to family, education, quality medical care, the right to protection from abuse, the right for participation in the society and the right to comprehensive and full development
 Within the framework of this project, we will present for specialists in the social sphere, education the Roadmap for the deinstitutionalization of children with disabilities, developed on the basis of the State Institution "Ivenets house-boarding institution for Disabled Children ".

To implement the project, we plan to attract experts and specialists. Experts will be included in the development of a unified system of graphic symbols, signs and gestures, the training of specialist educators and promoters, in the adaptation and implementation of alternative and additional communication (hereinafter referred to as AAC) in the house-boarding institutions, methodological support for creating a unified language environment, training the employees and children, the accumulation of materials for the resource center.

Specialists of the house-boarding institutions will be responsible for learning themselves and teaching children to social skills, creating communication situations, creating a unified language environment using a single system of graphic characters and gestures of AAC. The practical experience of specialists is planned to be accumulated in the form of a base of symbols and gestures of various AAC systems, special communicative devices, individual communication systems for children, lesson scripts and video materials.

The online resource center will accumulate the most progressive forms and techniques, the practical results of the introduction of AAC to children with disabilities with impaired verbal communication skills.
Methodical materials, uniform \ unified systems of graphic symbols and gestures "communication portraits" of children, lesson templates will be used to prepare adoptive and foster parents for having a child with a disability who has impaired verbal communication skills; for educational events and consultations for families and nearest ones of these children in the process of implementing individual plans for deinstitutionalization and prevention of institutionalization.
Internships and consultations will also help to successfully solve the strategic task of training the staff in effective communication.
In order to develop competencies in the field of realization of rights of the children and communication competence, it is planned to carry out information and training activities to intensify partnership efforts in creating conditions for the deinstitutionalization of children with disabilities.

At the final stage of the project, it is supposed to approve uniform language tools for the whole country, which will allow to unify the process of training and using these AAC systems.