In April 2003, at a regular conference of our organization, issues related to the implementation of new programs aimed at helping children with cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system diseases were brought up. CPA "World Without Borders" co-organised a campaign to support children with cardiovascular diseases called "Children's Health in Our Hands", which was supported by the UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund.
In 2004, the NGO "World Without Borders" initiated a new project for children with special physical and mental disabilities. At the invitation of the Swedish organization "Eriks Development Partner" to study the forms and methods of working with these children, a visit was organized for specialists from the Republic of Belarus (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Ministry of Education) to Sweden.
Since January 2005, the Swedish-Polish-Belarusian project "Alternative forms and methods of working with children with special physical and mental disabilities." has been implemented in the Bogushevsky boarding home for children with physical and mental disabilities.
Helping children, their parents, professionals and those close to them - this is the essence of the project. It is aimed at educating people who take care of children with a difficult life and teach new methods of work. All work is aimed at changing the attitudes towards people with disabilities and improving their care for them.
Since May 2007, CPA "World Without Borders" together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus holds an annual public festival of creativity of boarding houses for children with disabilities, which has a life-affirming name "Dreams Come True!".
The final gala concert turns into a grandiose celebration, where everyone without exception feels like real heroes and winners. The best creative group from Belarus is invited to the International Festival of Creativity held in different countries each year.
Since 2008, CPA "World Without Borders" has been participating in the Republican Olympics for children with disabilities organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. The main thing in such events is a competitive spirit, friendly, warm, and cordial atmosphere, familiarising the children with sports and supporting their desire to demonstrate their sporting achievements.
On the basis of Bogushevsky house-boarding institution for children with special needs, the Swedish-Polish-Belarusian project “Alternative forms and methods of work with children with disabilities” was implemented. As the result of it the first department of accompanied residing was opened, which was as a prototype for amendments to the legislation and alternative forms and methods were spread in the whole country.
Cooperation with Petrikov State Specialized Educational Institution of the closed type of light industry (for girls in conflict with the law) began, which has become a start in working with children in conflict with the law and improving the rehabilitation of children of this category. The types of professional training were expanded and social adaptation programs were introduced.
In 2014, on the basis of Krivichi Special Professional Technical Institution, a department of the social adaptation of “House by the Road” was opened, located outside the institution. 90% of children who have gone through the programs have successfully adapted to life and have been leading a law-abiding lifestyle for a long time.
Since 2018, CPA "World without Borders" has been implementing the project "Know to Help." The project aims to study and test international standards for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the rights of children with disabilities, as well as new approaches to expand the ability of children with disabilities to enjoy the rights guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. The project is being implemented in nine boarding schools for children with disabilities with special needs in psychophysical development. A group of employees of boarding houses is developing a manual on teaching the rights of children with disabilities, with their adaptation for use by children with severe multiple developmental disabilities. In the process, a group of experts created a working version of an interdepartmental monitoring system for the implementation of children's rights in boarding schools for children with disabilities with special needs. Special attention is being paid to the protection of rights and prevention of violence against children and youth, especially girls and young women. The sensitivity of these issues requires silence and confidentiality. The Organization, however, has many successful cases of prevention and effective assistance.
By monitoring it is supposed to monitor situations in boarding schools from the point of view of children's rights and identify problems with their implementation in order to improve the quality of life of children with disabilities in boarding schools.
In 2019, CPA " World Without Borders” completed the implementation of the “Step Forward” project by creating The Roadmap for the deinstitutionalization of children brought up in the Ivenets boarding house.
Since 2011, CPA "World Without Borders" has held an annual KVN competition for troubled youth. Holding this event for teenagers from closed educational institutions and teams of teenagers from across Belarus who are members of IDN (have juvenile records) is a perfect example of cooperation between educational institutions and public associations in the interests of children in conflict with the law, in educating and training new skills to provide new opportunities and ways of staying out of trouble. The KVN “Autumn Marathon” is a comedy sketch performance competition. Year on year the teams are received warmly and celebrated by the audience and in the media.
The action "Big Art with the Hands of Little People" has been held by CPA "World Without Borders" since 2012. This is a unique event for Belarus to involve pupils of boarding homes for children with disabilities and educational institutions of art, contributing to the development of their creative abilities.
On the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, the staff and volunteers of CPA "World Without Borders", visit the children and teenagers in these institutions, bringing joy and creating beautiful memories at such a special time of year. Our volunteers travel with popular artists and bring presents.
Since 2012, within the framework of the action "Our Children" CPA “World without Borders” holds an annual New Year charity event. On the eve of the New Year holidays, children from boarding institutions of the Republic of Belarus are congratulated by representatives of ministries and departments and also Belarusian pop stars.